Errors and omissions insurance (E&O) is a type of liability insurance that protects companies and their workers or independent contractors from claims made by clients for professional problems or negligent actions. E&O often covers court costs and any settlements, up to the policy limit.
E&O insurance is an important decision for business owners since an unforeseen allegation can cause a mature, successful business to go bankrupt overnight. It’s important to find the proper type of business insurance for you, and our team of E&O professionals is always available to point agents in the direction of the policy that will perfectly match their needs.
One of the most frequent questions we receive from travel agents regarding our coverage is, "Who from my business is protected once I purchase a policy?" Luckily, in the complicated world of insurance, this is one of the easiest questions to answer. You as the policyholder are covered, as well as anyone operating under your business name (but only while operating under your business name) as well as any independent contractors, when they are representing your business name.
Below is a quick primer of exactly who is covered when you decide to purchase coverage for your business, according to the policy.
- The Named Insured(s)
- Any owner, principal, executive officer, director, or stockholder of the Named Insured acting within the scope of their duties for the Named Insured
- Any employees of the Named Insured while acting in the scope of their duties for the Named Insured
- Independent contractors who are acting alone, whether or not incorporated, working under contract with the Named Insured, but only when conducting the Named Insured's Travel Agency Operations
- Any individual while acting as a tour guide or tour escort working under contract with the Named Insured, but only with respect to liability arising out of a tour being conducted for the Named Insured
Photo credit: Ryan Tang via Unsplash.
Lawsuits – proper and frivolous – are unfortunately common. Adding professional liability to your company’s insurance portfolio can protect you from time-consuming, expensive legal battles. It’s important to find the proper type of business insurance to fulfill your specific needs, and our team of E&O professionals is on here to help you choose the most robust and cost-effective coverage.

Dan Francis is one of the nation’s leading authorities in insurance for the travel industry. He joined Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection in 2007, and has spent the last decade developing the company’s errors-and-omissions business into an industry leader. For the past four years, he has transitioned into leading the development of BHTP’s fixed-benefit product lines – the first such lines in travel insurance. Dan is licensed in all 51 jurisdictions for Property & Casualty, Accident & Health, Limited Line-Travel and Surplus Lines. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Questions About Travel Insurance?
Check out our online guide, "What Is Travel Insurance All About?" We've provided in-depth answers to all your travel insurance questions, starting with the basics.