Summer is officially here – and you know what that means: Summer travel.
This summer promises to be ... interesting. From laptop bans to travel bans to food bans to onboard "incidents" to no legroom to tourist quotas, there's no shortage of things to talk about travel-wise. Fortunately, there's some good news in there. Airfares are generally at historic lows, the American dollar is strong, and the vast majority of travelers are thrilled to be traveling, believe it or not.
There's also good news at Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection, in the form of our brand-new ExactCare® line of travel-insurance plans. They combine the best features of traditional travel insurance with innovations like rapid claim payments and fixed benefits.
You can see the advantages of BHTP's plans elsewhere on this site – but on this podcast you can hear about the advantages of BHTP travel insurance along with all the good stuff about Summer Travel 2017.

Questions About Travel Insurance?
Check out our online guide, "What Is Travel Insurance All About?" We've provided in-depth answers to all your travel insurance questions, starting with the basics.